How to Stock a Car Trunk with Necessities
Things You'll Need
- Cordless compressor
- Tools
- Snacks and water
- Extra clothes
- Blanket
- First aid items
- Other small necessities
Think about car troubles. The first thing in your trunk should be items that can fix a flat, charge a battery and offer some light in the dark when you’re changing that tire or gazing into the engine. Many auto supply shops sell a multi-purpose cordless compressor that can be easily carried around in your trunk. The device is charged from a regular socket at home and includes a light, tire pump, battery cables that can restart your car using power in the device. Also keep several wrenches and other tools you’ll need to change a tire or adjust an engine.
Keep some snacks and water in the trunk. While you’re waiting for that tow truck, or otherwise stranded at a scene, you’ll be grateful to have a gallon of water and non-perishable snacks, like nuts or beef jerky, back in the trunk.
Keep a stash of first aid items in your trunk. You don’t need to cart around a pharmacy, but do have a small kit that includes bandages, peroxide, aspirin or the like, gauze and tape.
Stay warm by packing your trunk with a thick pair of socks, gloves, extra jacket and knit hat. An entire change of clothes is also a good idea, for warm or cold weather, depending on the climate, in case you end up needing to change for whatever reason. At least keep a pair of sneakers in the trunk so you can switch out of sandals if circumstances make you walk.
Always carry a blanket. This can be used to keep you even warmer than your hat and gloves or serve as a platform for an impromptu picnic. It also comes in handy when you have to transport items that may otherwise scratch or dirty your car or cart around a couple of muddy dogs.
Add any other small necessities that you may need on a regular basis. These include extra plastic or garbage bags, twine or a bungee cord, rags or paper towel and anything else you always seem to need but never have when you’re out driving.