How to Prevent Chemical Burns

Few of us take the threat of chemical burns as seriously as we should. In fact, chemicals we use every day can hurt the skin, eyes, lungs, throat and esophagus. Milder symptoms of chemical burns include headache and red, watery eyes. More extreme symptoms include seizures and loss of consciousness. Here’s how to prevent chemical burns to protect yourself and those you love.


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      Choose household cleaning products wisely. Read labels, and choose nontoxic products when you can. Also experiment with mild homemade cleaning concoctions that get the job done, like baking soda and vinegar for getting soap scum off tubs and sinks.

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      Carefully follow the directions on the bottle to prevent chemical burns. We tend to take those instructions for granted--like you really need someone tell you how to use glass cleaner, for instance. But when certain chemicals are combined with other products you may be using, the result can be disastrous.

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      Use rubber gloves to protect your skin when cleaning with chemicals. For extra protection, wear a long-sleeved shirt and pants, too. In addition, wear safety glasses when working with paint strippers and similarly harsh chemicals.

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      Open windows when using chemicals inside the house, whether you’re the cleaning the bathtub with a harsh mold killer or stripping the cabinets in the kitchen. The fumes from chemicals can also hurt your skin, as well as your eyes and lungs. And if you’re working with a chemical for a prolonged period of time, make a point to step outside for fresh air now and then.

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      Keep chemicals away from children. Put them in a cabinet that's out of reach or on a high shelf in a closet. Lock the cabinet or closet as an added safety precaution. Never store chemicals under the sink if you have children in the house.

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      Dispose of all chemicals safely and legally when you’re finished with them. The fewer chemicals you have around the house, the easier it is to prevent chemical burns.

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