How to Short-Circuit a Potential Rape
Tips That Experts Swear By
Be aware of your hair. Yes, your hair. The longer it is, the greater the chance it will provide a “handle” of sorts to grab you by. The same goes for ponytails, braids, pigtails, and so on. Statistically, short-haired women are less likely targets.
Rapists are not fond of women carrying umbrellas or other objects that can be jabbed from somewhat of a distance. Keys are not as good to fend off attacks because victims have to be very close to rapists in order to successfully make contact.
Watch your wardrobe. Not in the sense that you may be seen as more provocative, but in the sense that clothing that is easier to remove makes an easier target on the woman wearing it. Numerous rapists carry knives or scissors to cut clothing off; if it’s tougher to maneuver, it discourages them.
STAY OFF YOUR CELL PHONE WHEN WALKING AND STAY ALERT TO YOUR SURROUNDINGS. This can’t be stressed enough. Distracted women who are gabbing away, looking through their purses, or are otherwise not on guard can be jumped more easily. Also, do not be sympathetic with hard-luck stories if approached by strangers. Leave the area.
Statistics say that men are most likely to attack and rape in early in the day, between 5 and 8:30 a.m. The primary rapist thought is to quickly abduct and move a woman to avoid being seen or caught.
It’s almost a travesty that attacks occur here most, but experts say it does: in the parking lots of grocery markets. From there, victims are abducted to another spot. Second place falls to parking lots or garages for offices, and the number three place is public restrooms. DON’T sit in your car and do banking paperwork or otherwise organize yourself after shopping. You will be vulnerable and distracted.
A very low percentage of rapists carry weapons. Why? Because rape with a weapon has a general jail sentence of 15-20 years, while without a weapon, it may be as low as 3 to 5.
Experts say that women who fight off their attackers USUALLY discourage them because such victims are seen as “too much trouble.”
Rapists fear recognition or victim memory, and count on anonymity. If you think you are facing an attacker and are in a trapped situation (elevator, stairwell, garage or dark street alone), experts advise to turn to him and meet his gaze, asking a question as you study his features. Something like, “What time is it?” or seeking directions or even a discussion about the weather personalizes you and the act, and may totally discourage one from happening.
If an attacker is coming at you, hold out your hands, yelling, “Stop!” or “Back Off!” This relays that you may fight back, or worse—that you may have a weapon and will use it. Attackers want EASY. If you have pepper spray, aim it at him and tell him you will use it.
If he comes at you with his hands out, grab his first two fingers and bend them back with as much pressure as you can muster in a backwards motion.
Attacks from behind are harder, especially if he is stronger, but you can out-think him. If he grabs your waist, pinch him HARD in the upper inner thigh or under the arm—between the elbow and armpit. Then, go for the crotch. Just don’t use one foot to kick him there and leave your self potentially open to be thrown off balance or grabbed by the foot and taken down. Punch the groin with a fist or a heavy object. Your elbow is a strong weapon; if faced up close, USE it.
If he demands your purse, throw it away from you and RUN the other way.
If abducted and put in a car trunk, punch out the taillight and wave your hand through the hole for others to see. If approached in your car and told to drive it away from the scene and public view, rev the motor and aim right into another parked car, the store, or obstacle that will draw attention. DO not allow yourself to be removed to a more deserted location.
Cars parked near you should be vigilantly watched before you proceed to your own. If next to a van, experts say either have security walk you to it, or enter your car from the passenger side rather than be grabbed by an attacker through a sliding van-side door. Or, if you see a lone male in a vehicle very close to yours, get an escort.
If someone pulls a gun on you and you are not captive, experts say to run. Yes, run. They also say that running in a zigzag manner makes you a moving target, and cuts down on the chance of being hit by a bullet by 96%. The odds of him hitting a vital organ are even less.