How to Apply for a Lifetime License to Carry a Handgun
Things You'll Need
- Clean criminal record
- Application
- Fingerprint card
- Check
Decide if you're eligible to receive a concealed carry permit in Indiana before you apply for a lifetime license. The state of Indiana has a number of criteria an applicant must meet before he or she can receive a lifetime carry license. You must have no felony or domestic violence convictions on your record. You have to be at least 18 years old or 23 years old if you committed a felony when you were under the age of 18. Some felony arrests without convictions can prohibit you from obtaining a license as well.
Contact your local police department for an application. If you live in the city, contact the local police in your district; for those that live outside the city limits, contact your local Sheriff's department. Your local law enforcement agency must recommend you as a responsible gun owner and then send your application to the Indiana State Police. Ask your local agency if they mail the application or if it is your responsibility, as this varies across the state.
Fill out the application and sign the supplement card indicating carry permit fees. Complete the fingerprinting required. Remember that your fingerprints remain in the state of Indiana's database.
Include your check or money order made out to the state of Indiana with your application. For new permit applicants, your total cost is $125. $50 is for a local fee and $75 is for a state fee. You'll receive all but $20 of that amount if the state rejects you. If you currently have a four-year renewable permit, you must wait to apply for your lifetime license until 180 days before your permit expires. Once you're able to apply, your total cost is $100. $40 is for the local fee and $60 is for the state fee. You'll receive all but $10 the state denies your application.
Wait a minimum of 4 to 8 weeks to receive your license. Allow for additional time in case the state department is experiencing a backlog in applications. Due to the popularity of the lifetime license, this is not unusual.