How to Buy Personal Safety Devices
Evaluate the danger points in your daily routine. Chances are that a personal safety device will serve you best in a dangerous encounter in your day to day routine. Think about "weak spots" of safety, whether that means a dark parking lot at night, a medical condition or a danger of mugging. This way you can buy the right kinds of personal safety device.
Let there be light. A personal light device is one of the most useful and effective kinds of personal safety devices. If you're heading out for a trek consider taking a crank light. Otherwise, a key chain LED light is reliable enough to last for months and can help you see what's ahead of you so you can quickly and safely get to where you need to go.
Think about pepper spray. If you're concerned about the danger of being attacked or mugged a pepper spray is a good personal safety device that can debilitate an attacker without causing permanent damage. Pepper spray is inexpensive and easy to use. Check out the reviews of a few different models to make the right choice.
Buy a CPR kit or CPR bag-valve mask. If you have a medical condition or if you think you might need to respond to a medical emergency situation a CPR kit that has a CPR bag-valve is a valuable personal safety device that can save your or someone else's life and minimize the risk of disease transmission or infection. Check out one of the many options at