How to Use a Roll of Quarters for Self Defense
Keep the quarters in an easy to access place. Obviously, during an attack you are not going to have time to dig through your purse looking for the roll of quarters.
Close your hand around the roll of quarters. When you hit the attacker, it is going to hurt a lot more than a normal punch. If possible, try to hit the person in the facial area or groin.
Place the quarters in a sock and haul them at the person. This can feel like a lead weight hitting them.
Throw the quarters in his face. Although it may not inflict that much damage, it is likely to startle the person. This can give you a few precious seconds to escape from his grasp.
Run while the attacker is startled. You should not attempt to beat down the attacker with the roll of quarters. You should merely use it as a nuisance object that can give you the time to run for help.