How to Survive a Ricin Attack
Cover your nose and mouth with a wet piece of fabric as soon after the attack as possible. By doing this, some of the poisonous spores will be eliminated and you will not breath them in.
Leave the area that was attacked as soon as possible. Prolonged exposure to the harmful chemical will lessen your chances of survival. If you can escape to an area where water is flowing, immerse yourself in the water to wash off the immediate affects of the ricin.
Hold your breathe if you can until you are out of the attack area. If you are unable to do this, take short, shallow breathes until you are away from the area. This will lessen the number of poisonous spores you inhale through your mouth or nose.
Wash your body, clothes and anything else that has come in contact with the ricin with water and soap. If a bleach is available, use this in the cleansing process as well.
Follow the instructions of the emergency response groups that will be flooding your area very shortly. Pay attention to everything they say and follow the directions as close as you can.