How to Contact American Red Cross Volunteers Overseas
Contact your local Red Cross chapter. Volunteering with the Red Cross always begins locally and every Red Cross volunteer will have a local tie to their community chapter who may be able to contact them at international locations.
Be patient. The volunteer is overseas because they are responding to or preparing for a disaster. The situation isn't ideal nor does it allow for a great schedule. They are under a lot of pressure and although home may be on their mind frequently, the ability to contact home isn't always available from an international location.
Get updates from a local representative of the Red Cross. They will have access to information through the organization or names of individuals who receive updates on situations overseas.
Understand that there are more than 100 million volunteers associated with the International Red Cross and Red Crescent movement, and an individual society in almost every independent country in the world. That's a lot of people to keep track of, so understanding the magnitude of their situation and the sheer numbers of volunteers they are dealing with is essential.
Arrange for times that you and your loved one can contact each other. Phone calls are very expensive but in the world of email, contact to those overseas has become easier. Ask if they can send a weekly email letting you know of the situation. This will keep you from wondering why they are not responding if a scheduled time is agreed upon.