How to Prepare for a Heat Wave
Check air conditioners. Clean filters. If you have central air conditioning, make sure the ducts are clean. Replace weather-stripping around doors and windows to keep cool air in.
Keep yourself hydrated, even during cooler months. Develop the habit of drinking plenty of water, and it can be second nature by the time a heat wave hits.
Wear light-colored, lightweight clothing made from materials that "breathe," such as linen.
Schedule strenuous outdoor activities, such as exercise or yard work, for the cooler early morning or early evening hours.
Stock up on foods that don't need heat so you don't have to cook over a hot oven. Don't plan to cook large, hot meals during a heat wave. Eat lots of sandwiches.
Install awnings or louvers over windows that receive direct sunlight during the hottest hours of the day. These items can reduce the heat inside your home by 80 percent.