How to Break an Attacker's Nose
Remain calm when faced with an attacker. Breathe slowly and deeply so that you can think with a level head.
Look your attacker in the eyes and try not to show fear.
Turn your shoulders diagonal to your attacker so that you are prepared to turn sideways if the attacker comes at you quickly. This makes it harder for the attacker to grab hold of you and easier for you to break free if he does. This stance will leave one hand free to break your attacker's nose, so turn your dominant hand away as you turn sideways.
Balance your weight so that it is equal on both legs and your knees are slightly bent. Don't tense your body.
Keep your arms up at your chest and at an angle to protect your chest and chin.
Hold your hand up with your fingers bent and together and your palm upright. Use your dominant hand if possible. Do this quickly, as hesitation will let your attacker know what you are up to.
Smack the palm of your hand into your attacker's nose as hard as you possibly can. It takes approximately 7 pounds of pressure to break a bone. Even a child has the ability to break an attacker's nose with this method.