How to Make a Buddy Burner
Things You'll Need
- Plain corrugated cardboard
- Tin can
- Double boiler
- Paraffin wax
Cut strips of plain, unprinted corrugated cardboard in strips. Make sure the width of the strips is slightly narrower than the depth of the tin cans you will be using to make your buddy burners.
Roll the strips of cardboard into a coil large enough to fill the tin can, and place it in the can.
Melt paraffin wax in a double boiler. Paraffin is flammable, which is great when you want to use your buddy burner. It isn't great when you're trying to melt it, though, so pay close attention.
Pour the melted paraffin over the cardboard coil up to the rim of the tin can. You can stick a thin piece of cardboard in the middle of the coil to serve as a wick, but it's not essential as the buddy burner will light without it.
Allow the buddy burner to cool until the paraffin has set completely and store in a cool, dry place until needed.