How to Store Medical Supplies for an Emergency
The key to emergency preparedness is to plan and organize your supplies before an emergency strikes. Complete emergency medical supplies are a key element to any preparedness plan. Depending on the circumstances, you may ride out the emergency in your home, or you may be forced to evacuate to a safer location. Make sure you store emergency medical supplies for either eventuality.Instructions
Take an inventory of over-the-counter medicines that members of your household use in the course of everyday living. This will likely include remedies such as pain relievers (adult and children's), antacids, cold remedies, laxatives, allergy medications and other such items.
Make a list of all prescription medications required by all members of your household, including the brand name, the generic name, and the administration dosage and frequency.
Purchase a three-month supply of both over-the-counter and prescription medications using the information gathered in Steps 1 and 2. Keep two copies of all prescriptions.
Package in an airtight container two months' worth of the three-month supply of over-the-counter and prescription medications. Also include one set of copies of the prescriptions. It is best to store the medications in airtight containers, such as resealable food bags or vacuum seal food bags.
Place the second set of prescription copies plus one month's worth of the supply over-the-counter and prescription medications in an airtight resealable food bag, and add it to your bugout bag. A bugout bag is a backpack or other sturdy bag in which you store vital records and 3 days' worth of survival supplies for each household member in the event that you need to evacuate your property on short notice.
Add a small first aid kit to your bugout bag, and add more first aid supplies to your home stockpile. Good emergency medical supplies to store include splints; elastic bandages; ice packs; slings; wound treatment supplies such as sterile gauze pads, peroxide and alcohol; an emergency dental repair kit; burn gel; face masks; non-latex rubber gloves and a good first aid manual.
Consolidate the two-month supply of medications and all your home first aid emergency medical supplies in a large, waterproof, lidded rubber container. Label the outside of the container clearly, and store it in a cool, dark, dry area of your home. Make sure that everyone in your household knows what is in it, where to find it and how to use the supplies that are contained in it.