How to Survive Prison
Before you go make sure you check in with the nearest Prison Fellowship office, or, if possible, the prison chaplain, and ask them what you are allowed to bring into the prison and what you cannot. Some prisons have certain items you can and cannot take with you.
Ask questions about the institution's procedures. Ask if you can bring money with you, if you are allowed to receive any mail or letters, and if you can make phone calls to family and friends.
Make sure you listen a lot and talk only a little if you are a new resident of the prison. It is best to learn the ropes of the prison you are going to serve your time at before assuming anything.
Become a follower and not a leader. It is best to stay calm and avoid becoming assertive in prison. Assertiveness will only attract trouble from other inmates.
Bring only the most important things. Try to leave expensive jewelery and watches with your family or safely at your place of residence. Things get stolen in prison.