How to Use a Well Bucket
Locate your well head in your yard, and remove the cover with the appropriate tools. It is possible that your well cover will be difficult to remove. You may want to have some long-handled wrenches to give you more leverage. A can of penetrating lubricant may help ease the nuts off the bolts with less effort.
Test the depth of the water in the well by lowering a rope until you hit water.
Tie that amount of rope to the well bucket handle. Tie the opposite end of the rope to a fixed object (such as a clothes line post or sturdy fence) so it doesn't slip through your hands as you feed the well bucket into the well.
Lower the bucket and rope into the well until you reach the water level.
Allow the well bucket to fill with water. Then retrieve it by reeling in the rope slack.
Fill clean containers with as much water as you need by repeating Steps 4 and 5.
Replace the well head cover on the well head, and refasten the nuts securely.