How to Store Food for an Emergency
Find a place away from your normal pantry to use for emergency food storage. It can be an unused closet in a spare bedroom or a sturdy set of shelves in the basement. You can even store emergency food under your bed.
Determine what types of foods you want to include in your emergency food stockpile based on your existing eating habits. While you are unlikely to eat like a king during an emergency, you will be glad to have foods that approximate your normal diet.
Purchase food to add to your emergency food stockpile. Check all expiration dates before you buy anything to be sure you are getting items with the longest possible expiration dates.
Rotate old items out of your emergency food storage stockpile first by placing them in your normal pantry for use in meal preparation and replacing them with the newly purchased items.
Store grains and other staples such as flour, corn meal and oats for long-term storage in food grade pails lined with Mylar bags. Insert the appropriate number of oxygen absorbers into the Mylar bag on top of the food before sealing the Mylar bag and the bucket.