How to Survive a Hurricane
Make a plan. As with any emergency event, planning is the key to help you survive. Keep your home up to code, keep a stock of food and household needs for emergency purposes only and include a first-aid kit. The container should be waterproof and ideally hold 1 to 2 week's worth of supplies and have a large supply of batteries and at least one battery-powered radio.
Trim landscaping to minimize debris flying around during a hurricane. Invest in shutters or have plywood and supplies on hand to protect doors and windows. This also avoids running into shortages by waiting to buy these things at the last minute. Fill your vehicle's gas tank frequently and prearrange for a place to stay in case there is an evacuation.
Reinforce windows and doors with your supplies, tape windows before covering with plywood or shutters and don't forget the garage door. Move all outdoor furniture and decorations to a safe place indoors if possible.
Disinfect your bathtub and rinse it thoroughly then fill with tap water. Get your emergency supply kit out and ready to use and put a fresh set of clothes and shoes for each family member inside the kit to use after you survive the hurricane.
Go directly indoors and do not travel anywhere when the hurricane is approaching. Do not stay in your vehicle but seek appropriate shelter to survive the hurricane. Keep away from windows and doors and gather everyone in an interior, reinforced room of the building such as a closet or bathroom. Listen to the battery-powered radio for instructions and for indications that it's safe to leave the safe room.