How to Survive a Wildfire
Create defensible space around your home. If a wildfire is burning defensible space can reduce the risk the fire will spread to your home. Remove dead trees, shrubs and leaves within 30 feet of your home. Hanging tree branches low to the ground should also be removed.
Listen to reports about the status of an existing wildfire. Local television and radio will provide updates for people living in the area of a wildfire. Be prepared to evacuate if ordered. Never travel into an area where a wildfire has started. Fires spread fast and you could become trapped. If an evacuation is voluntary, it still is best to leave. Remember property can be replaced, human life can't. It is better to be cautious than be caught in a deadly situation.
Shut off the gas and turn off propane tanks. Close vents and turn on sprinklers before you evacuate. Don't forget to bring your pets with you.
Wear protective clothing. If you are leaving an area where there is a wildfire, protect your skin by wearing long sleeves and long pants. Use a handkerchief to filter out smoke. If you live in an area with a high threat of wildfires, consider buying an emergency escape hood.
If you live in a densely wooded area, have an evacuation plan. Knowing in advance the route to take out of your home and the area, will increase your chances of surviving a wildfire.
Lie face down. If you are outdoors in the middle of a wildfire and unable to escape, lie down in a ditch. Clear away anything next to you that can catch fire, such as branches and leaves. Cover you face with your hands.