How to Stay Calm in Danger
Things You'll Need
- Plan of action
- Emergency numbers
- Phone
- First aid
- Pen and paper
Be aware of your situation and your surroundings. Pay attention to where you are and what you are doing. Be alert. Keep your eyes open and assess the situation. The more you know about the danger, the more in control you are.
React appropriately. Don't overreact. How you react can have a major impact on what happens to you. Your goal is survival. You don't want to panic or you won't be able to help yourself.
Breathe deeply. Focus on something around you so you don't panic. Count to ten. Make yourself think. Let the panic go away so you can be calm and help yourself.
Call for help if you can. Have your emergency numbers programmed into your phone in case you are too panicked to remember the numbers. Many places have emergency response numbers like 911. Know the number of your poison control center.
Learn first aid and life saving techniques like CPR. Educate yourself in emergency procedures. Write down safety techniques and information about children like their height and weight.
Plan ahead. Rehearse scenarios in your head. Know what you should do. Write down an escape plan for dangerous situations like a fire in your home and keep the plan on your fridge for all to see and review regularly.
Get away from the danger. If the danger is imminent, get away as fast as you can, but stay in control. Survival is your most important goal.