How to Survive a Brutal Winter Storm
Pull off the highway if you are driving your car when the snow storm takes place. Make sure you put your hazard lights on and hang a distress flag from the antenna. Run your engine in intervals to keep warm and open the window a bit for ventilation.
Keep bottled water on hand. When a severe snow storm approaches, you may lose your tap water and you won't be able to drive to the store to buy more.
Make sure you have enough food in your house. Choose items such as canned vegetables, canned meats, dry foods and cereal bars.
Keep lamps and several flashlights in the house and in the car. Stock up on candles. There may be a power outage. Buy a gas-powered generator.
Keep loads of batteries in the house so you can listen to the radio or television and track weather conditions. Remember, you internet connection may be lost in a storm.