How to Create an Emergency Family Meeting Place
Choose a family safe place within your home. A basement, crawl space or interior room is a good choice. In the event of a storm, the family must meet in a sturdy, preferably windowless area.
Pick a location outside. It must be near (but not immediately next to) your home. In the event of a fire, the family meeting place must be close enough to reach quickly and far enough to avoid danger. Consider the mailbox, a streetlight or a trusted neighbor's home.
Select a neighborhood place you can meet in an emergency if you're unable to get home. A civic center or church can be ideal. If your town has a building designated as a storm shelter, use that location.
Decide on the one place your family will meet no matter what. In the event of epic disaster, such as a declared war, your family must know where to look if you're not at home. You are unlikely to need this family meeting place, but know it just in case.