How to Prepare a Disaster Kit
Things You'll Need
- Container
- Non-perishable food items
- Water
- First aid supplies
- Medicines
- Sealable plastic bags
- Change of clothes
- Cash
- Copies of important information
Select a container for your kit. The container should be large enough to hold all supplies you include in your kit. This container should be one that you could pick up and take with you easily. Examples are plastic tubs with lids, backpacks or other containers that include handles and closes up.
Pack water. You should include a two- to three-day supply of water for each person you're packing the kit for. The average adult needs two quarts of water for drinking and two quarts of water for sanitation/cooking per day. You may choose to store water in unbreakable containers such as soft drink bottles or purchase a supply of bottled water.
Assemble food items. Select non-perishable food items that require no other ingredients to prepare. Lightweight and small or compact items are better. Canned vegetables, meats and fruits, along with high-energy foods are good items to include.
Include your medicines. If you take prescription medicines, include a week's supply of them in your kit. Pack any other over-the-counter medicines you take regularly.
Pack clothes. One complete change of clothes and footwear per person should be sufficient.
Create a first aid kit. Kits are available for purchase, but you can create your own by simply putting together several adhesive bandages, gauze, hand sanitizer, non-latex gloves, antibacterial wipes, antibiotic ointment and scissors.
Pack money. During true disasters, ATMs don't always work. You should have a supply of cash and change on hand until banks and ATMs open back up.
Include personal items. If you wear glasses, put a spare pair in the kit. Women might need feminine products. Other personal items such as deodorant and toothbrushes and paste should be packed.
Pack personal documents. All financial information documents, legal documents, social security cards, passports, credit card information, immunization records, banking information, household inventory lists, important phone numbers and any other important paperwork should be copied and placed into an airtight, waterproof container and put into the disaster kit.