How to Prepare for a Hail Storm

Hail storms are frequent occurrences that usually don't cause extensive damage. However, a severe storm with hail stones up to 3 inches in diameter can cause significant damage. If you follow some simple precautions to prepare for a hail storm, you will keep yourself safe and minimize the damage to your house and car.


  1. Prepare in Advance for a Hail Storm

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      Know the signs that a hail storm is approaching. Hail storms are produced by strong thunderstorms. Signs may include very dark clouds, strong winds, thunder and lightening and heavy rainfall.

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      Prepare a storm kit and make sure everyone in your household knows where it is. The kit should contain a flashlight, battery-operated radio, fresh batteries, candles, waterproof matches and emergency contacts.

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      Keep your trees trimmed, and watch for any branches that could fall on your house during a severe hail storm.

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      Check your roof for any damage that will make it more susceptible to a hail storm. If you are planning to remodel your house, consider impact resistant roofing to reduce hail damage to your roof.

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      Clear leaves and other debris from gutters and drainpipes so water can drain quickly.

    Prepare for an Approaching Hail Storm

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      Close all windows and external doors if you see a storm approaching. Close curtains to protect against possible flying glass.

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      Provide shelter for any outdoor pets or farm animals. Animals are particularly vulnerable to hail.

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      Pull cars, boats and RVs into a covered area.

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      Pull lawn and patio furniture, garbage cans and other large objects into a protected area.

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