How to Escape a Tsunami
Things You'll Need
- Courage
- Prepared emergency pack
Be aware of natural warnings. Tsunamis are caused by earthquakes on the ocean's floor. However, some inland areas will feel the quake days before a Tsunami hits. This was the case in Chile in 1960. After feeling the tremors, many people took action and headed to high ground early.
Keep a radio on hand at all times and take official warnings seriously. People who live in areas prone to Tsunamis must always follow official warnings and directions right away.
Prepare an emergency kit for yourself and your family. This kit should include non-perishable food items, water, a change of clothing for each family member and baby supplies if needed.
Don't take anything with you except a prepared emergency kit. When leaving an area that is expecting a Tsunami, getting out quickly is vital to survival. Just get yourself and your family and go.
Stay on high ground until you are sure there is no more danger. This could take several days, so be prepared to wait.
Stay away from washed out roads. Roads are some of the first things that disappear in a Tsunami. Plan an alternate escape route.
Grab on to large floating debris and hang on, if you are escaping after the wave hits. You may get injured, but this step could save your life.