How to Escape a Flash Flood
Listen for warnings on local news or radio stations. If you hear rumbling, or feel the ground shaking, prepare to take evasive action immediately.
Move to high ground quickly. Even if you are in a vehicle, get out and find the highest elevation possible.
Stop driving. Although the situation may be scary and fleeing in your vehicle may be tempting, the safest thing to do is to get out of the vehicle and move to high ground on foot. Staying in the vehicle increases the chances that it will be swept away and a floating vehicle is difficult to stop.
Avoid areas likely to flood such as canyons, ditches or creeks and streams. Even if a pathway near a creek will lead you to higher ground, stay away because the creek can fill within seconds and you will be in danger of being washed away with the rising water.
Turn around when roads are flooded. Roadways that are washed out are virtually undetectable. Use additional caution at night when it's difficult to determine water levels.