How to Understand What Damage the Five Categories of Hurricanes Can Do
A Category One Hurricane will have winds between 75 and 95 mph. The storm surge will be around 4 to 5 feet above the normal tide. A hurricane of this category will not normally cause damage to a well-constructed home. Trees, shrubs and some mobile homes may be damaged.
A Category 2 Hurricane will have winds between 96 and 110 mph and a storm surge of 6 to 8 feet. Trees may be blown down, mobile homes will suffer severe damage, and low-lying areas may flood. Residents in low-lying areas should move to higher ground before the hurricane.
A Category 3 Hurricane will have sustained winds of at least 111 to 130 mph. The storm surge will be around 9 to 12 feet. Large trees may be blown over. Homes and buildings may have structrual damage, while mobile homes can possibly be destroyed. Low-lying areas may flood and must be evacuated a day before the hurricane. The storm surge will arrive hours before the hurricane.
A Category 4 Hurricane will contain winds of 131 to 155 mph. The storm surge will be between 13 and 18 feet. Mobile homes will be completely destroyed, and trees will be blown over. Structural damage will occur on homes and buildings, including roof damage. Rising water may occur in low-lying areas about 3 to 5 hours before the hurricane arrives. You must evacuate these areas the day before.
A Category 5 Hurricane contains winds greater than 155 mph. The storm surge will be over 18 feet. Mobile homes will be completely destroyed, roofs on most buildings and homes will be destroyed and trees will be blown over. Rising flood waters will cut off evacuation routes in low-lying areas hours before the hurricane arrives. Residents in low-lying areas or residents on the coastlines must evacuate days before the hurricane arrives.