How to Prepare to Survive a Tornado
Have a plan. Make sure that everyone in the family knows what to do in the case of a tornado. Go over safe places. For instance, if your home has a basement, make sure everyone knows that's the place to go in a tornado.
Designate a point of contact. A family member or friend outside of the immediate area should be chosen to be the one who everyone contacts in case of being separated during a storm. Make sure everyone has that person's telephone number.
Keep copies of all important information and documents somewhere else. This could be in a known place in the home, at the office or in a safety deposit box at the bank.
Shut off the utilities. All members of the family who are old enough and physically capable, should be taught how to shut off the utilities. Show everyone where the shut offs for water, electricity and gas are and how to use them. Gas should only be shut off if there is a leak detected or if local authorities tell you to shut it off.
Create a first-aid kit and keep it well stocked. In this, include the usual small bandages and antibiotic ointments, but also be sure that larger gauze pads, gauze rolls and heavy medical tape are included. You never know what type of injuries can be incurred during a major storm. It's good to have these supplies handy. A small supply of critical medicines should be included in this kit, as well.
Keep a disaster kit. This would include bottled water, canned food, flashlights with extra batteries and a supply of cash. An extra change of clothes for each family member could also be nice to have in case of a tornado.