How to tame the Dragon

Everybody knows that dragons are dangerous creatures. When provoked - or hungry - dragons are likely to spread their giant wings and take to the sky where they rain down fire on anyone in the vicinity. The knowledge of how to tame the dragon is vital; it can save your life.

Things You'll Need

  • Dragon chips, prosciutto, courage
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    • 1

      Go to the supermarket and buy several bags of jalapeno chips. If jalapeno chips are not available habanero chips will suffice. These are dragon antidote number 1 and are referred to as "Dragon Chips".

    • 2

      Go to your local italian deli and buy several pounds of thinly sliced prosciutto. This is dragon antidote number 2.

    • 3

      Store the dragon antidotes in a secure and easily accesible location.

    • 4

      Monitor the Dragon for signs of unrest. This usually is expressed by wisps of smoke emanating from his nose or ears.

    • 5

      Upon the first signs of an unruly Dragon immediately offer ample servings of Dragon antidotes. Usually Dragon Chips will suffice but if the Dragon is particularly grumpy be sure to offer prosciutto as well.

    • 6

      Calmly wait 5-10 minutes and reasses the Dragon's state. To the extent smoke is still visible repeat step 5.

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