Methods for Killing Mosquitoes
For generations, farmers and gardeners have placed whole garlic cloves around their gardens, fields and yards to kill mosquitoes. Garlic does not harm plants and the environment the way insecticides do, and it is safe for pets, children, plants and animals such as deer and rabbits that sometimes visit a yard. Mosquitoes find garlic deadly because they are soft-bodied insects. The garlic not only kills the mosquitoes that are present, it repels more from coming around. The mosquito, which has an olfactory sense that is 10,000 times more powerful than a human’s, smells the garlic and stays away.
Electric Mosquito Traps
Mosquito traps attract and kill mosquitoes that fly into an area. Electric machines such as the Flowtron Mosquito Power Trap and the Mosquito Magnet Liberty draw mosquitoes to them within a specific area. The mosquitoes are then trapped. The Flowtron draws mosquitose by using propane, which the mosquito will mistake for human breath. Once the mosquito is near, a fan sucks it in and traps it.
Non-Electric Mosquito Traps
For primitive campsites and places where electricity is not available, machines such as the Coleman Mosquito Deleto are effective at trapping mosquitoes. The Coleman system will work in a half-acre area and can be placed almost anywhere because it is not bulky. It disperses a safe and odorless chemical that prevents mosquitoes from landing, lures them in and traps them. Like some of the electric models, the Deleto can release carbon dioxide to fool mosquitoes into thinking they are near human breath.
Light Attractant Mosquito Traps
Mosquito killing machines such as the Galaxie Power-Vac Mosquito and Insect Control system don’t use chemicals or gas. The low voltage Galaxie kills mosquitoes and other flying insects through a vacuum system. The bugs are trapped and slowly dehydrate. Mosquitoes are drawn to the Galaxie's black-light bulb. After they die, the bugs are emptied through a removable collection tray. This system attracts mosquitoes in a one-acre radius.
Pesticides and Larvicides
Some pesticides are made specifically for use on mosquitoes. When using a pesticide in the house, focus on spraying corners and dark places where mosquitoes gather. Larvicides can be used to kill mosquitoes in places where they breed. There are larvicides that are safe to use in birdbaths, ponds and even pet and animal water dishes, where you don’t want wildlife to be harmed. Sustained-release products such as Mosquito Dunks are handy for killing mosquito larvae over a period of 30 days and more.