Cytex Aerotex M3 Resins and Environmental Problems
Melanine Resins
The production of the melamine resins as they pertain to the melamineformaldehyde condensate found in M-3 are marked for their low viscosity and high reactivity. They also contain only a small amount of free formaldehyde while also maintaining strong compatibility with other hydrophobic elements. All of these elements together form a substance that creates minimal creation of environmental pollutants.
Free Formaldehyde
Free formaldehydes are contaminants that pollute indoor air by trapping volatile, unreacted particles of formaldehyde in their resin. These substances can also be produced during the composition of the resin itself. This kind of release is the primary cause of high formaldehyde levels in mobile homes and traditional homes with particleboard using in their flooring, as well as homes insulated with urea-formaldehyde foam. The percentage of actual free formaldehyde in Aerotex M-3 is low enough that it will not cause significant contamination of contained air.
Formaldehyde and Inside Air
Different environments will be affected differently by formaldehyde. Beyond simply measuring the quantity of formaldehyde in a contained space, it is also important to consider the interaction of other major sources of formaldehyde in the concerned area. Coupling the effect of a sealant like Aerotex M-3 should be considered in relation to other low level formaldehyde sources in the area, including certain types of furniture, insulation, and wall paneling. In general, sources of this nature should not produce a significant enough amount of formaldehyde to greatly interact with each other.
Formaldehyde and Outside Air
Also important in considering the effect of Aerotex in a contained space is the consideration of the environmental condition outside. Generally, temperatures between 65 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit will notice a two-fold increase in formaldehyde levels for each increase in temperature of 10 degrees. The inverse is true for a reduction in temperature. Humidity is also an important factor, where locations of greater humidity will be more reactive to concentrations of formaldehyde in the air. All of these factors should be considered in the use of a product like Aerotex M-3 in regards to its environmental safety.