The Advantages of Solar Electric Wire
Superior Environmental Durability
Photovoltaic installations, by their very nature, get a great deal of direct sunlight, which frequently leads to high temperatures, spikes in humidity levels and greater exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Solar electric wire displays superior humidity, ozone and ultraviolet resistance, and it is unaffected by abrasions or exposure to extreme temperatures. In all these respects, it is superior to standard electric wire.
Excellent Insulation
Solar electric wire performs at a very high level thanks to its superior insulation, which is typically comprised of polymer that supports tin-plated copper conductors. This gives it a very high withstanding voltage threshold, and the finely stranded conducting material also gives solar electric wire excellent flexibility, making it easy to create routes or lay the wire in strips.
Moisture Resistance
The polymer insulation also provides outstanding moisture resistance, making solar electric wire perform well not only in sunny weather conditions, but also in rain. For added protection, some manufacturers offer double-insulated solar electric cable, which is recommended for climates that have relatively high levels of annual rainfall.
Additional Advantages
Some of the ancillary benefits of solar electric wire include excellent flame retardation capabilities, as well as resistance to oil and other chemicals. It is also halogen-free, reducing its environmental impact when it reaches the end of its lifespan.