Theories on Well Point Dewatering
Well Point Dewatering
The well point dewatering process uses a series of shallow wells positioned close together. The wells usually have a small diameter that varies according to the installation location and soil type, and are attached to a header pipe fixed to a high-pressure dewatering pump. The pump creates a partial vacuum and draws groundwater into the header pipe, upon which it is transferred to a collection tank.
Components and Application
Ideal conditions for well point dewatering include shallow excavations of approximately 6.5 meters. Key elements in the well point system are the vacuum and the well point. The vacuum environment removes excess air, preventing cavitation and ensuring pump efficiency. The well point consists of a piercing tip and a series of filters that allows the maximum amount of water to be collected without the removal of solid material.
Eductors Well Systems
Wells in eductor systems are fitted with a feed pipe that connects to a high-pressure feed line, a return pipe connected to a low-pressure evacuation line, and a venturi ejector that accommodates water at a high enough pressure to draw groundwater to the surface and eject it through the return pipe. Eductor well systems are primarily used in soil with low permeability, where it is able to reduce groundwater levels to around 30 meters.
Deep Well Systems
In deep well systems, a submersible pump called a borehole is located at the bottom of each well. It is mainly installed in highly permeable soils such as gravel or sand, to pump the large quantities of groundwater influxing from nearby areas due to the soil permeability. The average space between each well is 15 meters, although this varies according to soil conditions.