The Effects of Hydrochloric Acid on Humans
Acute Effects
Exposure to hydrochloric acid for a short amount of time may cause burning of the eyes, throat, nose and respiratory system. People with an increased risk of health effects from exposure to hydrochloric acid include the elderly and young children or people who already have health issues.
Chronic Effects
Being exposed to hydrochloric acid on a regular basis causes symptoms such as bronchial irritation, dental discoloration and erosion, cough and shortness of breath. People who are chronically exposed to a diluted hydrochloric acid may also suffer from skin rashes. These rashes appear as large, dark, circular red patches and may occur anywhere on the body.
Direct Physical Contact
Direct physical contact with hydrochloric acid causes the worst toxic reactions in humans. If inhaled, it can cause coughing and choking, and it may even burn the throat. If hydrochloric acid makes contact with the eyes, it can cause symptoms like blurred vision, tearing, burning and even a complete loss of vision. Contact with the skin causes irritation and chemical burns as well as deep skin ulcerations, tissue death and frostbite. If hydrochloric acid is swallowed, it immediately burns the mouth and throat. Ingestion also causes nausea, vomiting and severe chest and abdominal pain.
First Aid Treatment
If you or someone else has been exposed to hydrochloric acid, you must take action immediately. If someone has inhaled the chemical, move them to fresh air right away. Use artificial respiration if he has stopped breathing. If the eyes have been exposed to hydrochloric acid, wash them for 15 minutes using large amounts of water. Flush any contaminated skin with water for at least 15 minutes without rubbing or washing. Remove any clothing that has been penetrated by the chemical and flush the skin with water. If someone has accidentally swallowed hydrochloric acid, help him dilute the chemical by drinking large amounts of water or milk. Seek medical attention immediately after taking these actions.