What Is Chlorine-Free Paper?
Totally Chlorine-Free Paper
Totally chlorine-free (TCF) paper is made from virgin timber pulp. There is no chlorine involved in the paper making process at all. Paper that has not been bleached at all is also considered totally chlorine free. It is not to be confused with Elemental chlorine-free (ECF) paper, which is bleached with some chlorine, so it is technically not chlorine-free.
Processed Chlorine-Free Paper
Processed chlorine-free (PCF) paper is made from recycled materials. PCF was formerly known as secondarily chlorine-free paper. The recycled fiber used to make PCF paper has not been rebleached with chlorine. However, the paper fibers that were used to make the recycled paper may have originally been bleached with chloride, so it cannot be labeled as TCF.
Chlorine-free paper is free of the dioxin released by the chlorine dioxide that is used to bleach regular paper. The toxins from dioxin are released into the air and water and get into the food chain through animal fat cells. Humans consume these animals, and the toxins are believed to contribute to infertility and diabetes. Using chlorine-free paper eliminates the chance of these toxins causing harm to animals and humans. According to the National Resources Council of Maine, using chlorine-free paper saves "a million pounds of carbon dioxide emissions, a million Kilowatt hours of energy, a million gallons of water and thousands of full grown trees."
It costs more to manufacture chlorine-free paper, so it is difficult to convince the pulp and paper industries to make it. Government funds would be required to get the pulp and paper industries to agree to start producing this paper. Since the chlorine-free paper is expensive to make, it is also more expensive to buy than regular paper that is made with toxins. Supporters of chlorine-free paper manufacturing and use are asking citizens to petition the government to mandate the purchase of chlorine-free paper.