Importance of Spore Testing in Tattoo Salons
The kind of autoclave regularly used in tattoo studios looks like an oven and uses pressurized steam to sterilize equipment. It is a fully enclosed unit that forces air out in order to achieve higher temperatures capable of killing bacteria -- and other agents -- usually resistant to heat. Autoclaves have temperature settings, and you can also keep them running for specified times, because some pathogenic agents are more resilient than others. While this is a required way to disinfect tattoo equipment, it is still recommended to use disposable needles. You must never autoclave disposable items in an attempt to re-use them.
Spore Testing Procedure
Strips impregnated with bacillus stearothermophilus spores are used for testing autoclaves. You place the strips in a sealed envelope in your autoclave at the start of a cycle. After removal, they need to be cultured, which means growing the bacteria. If the autoclave is functioning, there should be nothing left to grow on the strip. The easiest way for a tattoo studio to do this is to subscribe to a microbiology lab service, who will send you a kit with full instructions. Tattoo studios should carry out this procedure weekly or monthly, depending on turnover. In the U.S., some states have legislated to require spore testing in tattoo studios, making this a legal as well as moral obligation. This follows guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even if this is not a legal requirement in your state, the failure to adequately test equipment could result in passing on infection and also being sued by unhappy clients.
Tattooing Risks
Tattooing pierces the skin, using tiny needles to deposit pigment. Any activity that involves contact with blood runs the risk of passing on infections and pathogens. Blood diseases, including hepatitis-B, HIV and tuberculosis are easy to pass on without proper decontamination of equipment. Less life-threatening side effects of getting a tattoo done with non-sterile equipment include unpleasant skin infections, which require medical attention. Spore test reports should be kept by tattoo studios, and customers may ask to view them to check that the studio has a history of minimizing health risks by maintaining its autoclave.
For tattoo studios, spore strip testing is an essential part of the health and safety process but not adequate in itself. Depending on the type of strips you have, the bacteria may require up to seven days to incubate, with extra time added on for the mail service. With a high turnover of clients, this would be too late for many tattoo studios to contain an infection. Many laboratory services offer faster incubating strips, so subscribe to the speediest reputable service you can. You can also buy autoclave indicator tape which changes color if the temperature reaches the required level. While this is not physical indication of sterilization, it is a useful additional check to back up regular spore testing. Using disposable equipment where possible is also recommended.