How to Protect Against EMF Waves
Clean the bedroom. The bedroom is a significant place where most people are exposed to EMF waves for long periods of time, simply because they spend so many hours there every day and night. To protect yourself in your sleep, don't put an electric clock radio near your head and minimize the number of electric devices in your bedroom.
Step away from the cell phone. Cell phones are increasingly being blamed for emitting harmful EMF waves. Many people rely on their cell phones, but there are safe ways to use them. Keep them away from your head on your nightstand while charging overnight, don't wear them on a belt clip or in your pocket, and always use a earpiece or Bluetooth receiver when talking on the phone. Keeping a cell phone in a briefcase or purse is a good solution.
Sit at least an arm's length away from your computer when you use it and don't sit too close to a television. The larger a TV is, the further back you should sit. Also, stand back from kitchen appliances like microwaves and electric stoves when they are running. Fluorescent lights emit more EMF waves than incandescent bulbs. Finally, have your house tested for EMF exposure, and consider having household power wires properly grounded.
Avoid towers. Though it is often hard to know without researching their locations before traveling, try to be aware of where TV and radio towers are. Staying at least half a mile away from these towers is a good idea whenever possible as they often emit high levels of EMF waves. You should also check locations before you book hotels.