How Is a Solar Panel Generated?
The Solar Panel
The solar panel is the most important element of the solar energy or photovoltaic system. It's made up of a collection of small silicon cells called photovoltaic modules. The average solar panel contains roughly 12 to 24 modules and covers an area between 12 square meters and 40 square meters, depending on the space available and positioning of the sun.
Generating Electricity
Each photovoltaic module absorbs sunlight and converts it directly into electricity. As solar rays hit the module, electrons are released from the silicon atoms, producing a direct current or DC. This is then transferred to a power inverter, where it's converted to an alternating current or AC. The average module produces between 75 watts and 120 watts of power at peak performance. Solar panels are usually connected together to increase power output.
Measuring Power
The amount of power generated by solar panels is calculated using Ohm's law, which is the voltage divided by the resistance. The resistance is the electrical load attached to the solar panel or the amount of electricity required to power all appliances attached. The power output of solar panels is practically measured by linking resistors to the panel and recording the voltage reading.
Correct Positioning
The positioning of solar panels is key to generating maximum power output. Don't install panels in places where it will be shadowed anytime during peak sunlight hours, usually between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. In addition to limiting power output, shading damages the panels.