Biofuel From Grease Options
Grease is categorized as brown grease, such as pan scrapings and oil residue, and yellow grease, such as fryer oil. In New Jersey and Pennsylvania alone more than 2 million gallons of grease accumulate each month. Disposal costs approximately 5 cents per gallon, while improper disposal leads to clogged sewers and water pollution.
Grease to Biofuel Process
The process of preparing grease for biofuel use involves removing water and solids, followed by a reaction stage that yields biodiesel products, such as fatty acid methyl esters. These products are tested to determine their suitability for industrial use. At the industrial level, the removal stage is costly and represents one of the major drawbacks to using grease as biofuel. Yet in light of rising oil prices, grease remains a financially sustainable investment.
Industrial Scale-Up
In 2008 San Francisco planned its first biodiesel plant to use grease as a raw material. This effort utilized the millions of gallons of grease produced in the city. The United States Department of Energy is supporting the construction of a grease biodiesel plant in Louisiana with a $241 million loan. The plant is projected to produce renewable diesel from restaurant grease at a rate of 137 million gallons per year.
Small-Scale Decline
Converting grease to biofuel was once done by individuals obtaining free grease from local restaurants. Due to its increase in commercial value, this has changed and grease is now rarely given away freely. With the new industrialization of grease biodisiesel, it is exposed to criminal networks and there have been reported grease thefts from restaurants and other collection areas.