Explanation of Solar Panels
While solar energy is slowly becoming a widely used source of energy, solar energy development is more than 100 years old. The Industrial Revolution brought about numerous solar power plants for converting steam from the sun's heat into energy to drive various types of machines. During this time, Henri Becquerel, a French physicist, discovered the photovoltaic effect, or the production of energy from sunlight. Becquerel's discovery eventually led to inventors developing solar panels.
How Solar Panels Work
Solar panels work by collecting solar radiation, or electromagnetic radiation the sun emits, and converting that radiation into usable electricity. Each panel comprises several solar cells -- solid-state electrical devices used to convert sunlight into energy -- that function much like semiconductors. As the sun's energy hits the solar panel's surface, the metal in the solar cells generate electricity. The amount and quality of solar cells in a solar panel determine the total amount of electrical output the solar panel will produce.
One main advantage of using solar panels is the fact that solar panels produce clean energy, meaning virtually no pollution is emitted when using solar panels for energy production. Solar panels are also beneficial to consumers because solar energy use allows consumers to avoid total reliance on energy providers and power grids. Solar energy is also limitless, and unlike other sources of energy, not in danger of running out within the next century.
While using solar energy has several advantages, this method of energy production also has some disadvantages. The initial investment of solar panels is typically costly, and may not be available to the majority of consumers. Solar panels also require a large area for installation in order to be an effective source of energy. Last, solar energy is only useful in sunny weather and will not produce much energy in winter or overcast weather conditions.