How to Handle Methane
Remove jewelry --- including watches, rings and bracelets --- before handling methane. When metal jewelry is worn, it can freeze to the skin if it accidentally comes in contact with methane.
Keep flammable substances away from methane, as they can cause an explosion. Do not handle methane near hot surfaces, open flames, sparks and static discharge.
Avoid using oil prior to handling methane. If you have to handle oil, make sure that it is cleaned thoroughly from your hands or gloves before you proceed.
Keep the area where you are handling methane well-ventilated. The use of methane in confined spaces can be hazardous, as it can interfere with oxygen, which is necessary for proper breathing.
Use closed handling systems to prevent the release of methane in the air. Closed handling systems are generally used to safely store certain hazardous materials or liquids including methane.