Freon Alternatives
Side Effects of Freon
According to Environment, Health and Safety Online, Freon exposure causes serious side effects to humans at the time of initial exposure. These side effects include irregular heartbeat and palpitations, which pose serious health risks. Freon leaks can occur with any cooling system, from refrigerators to air compressors. Alternatives were created to reduce the risks of toxicity to humans. Freon also contains chlorine, which has the ability to destroy the ozone layer. Restrictions were enacted by the EPA to reduce Freon usage, and hydrocarbon alternatives were created by refrigerant manufacturers.
CFC-113 is a chloroflurocarbon used to cool machinery, such as compressors. This compound is a halogenated chlorofluorocarbon that was introduced in the 1980s as an alternative to Freon. CFC-113 is used in electronic, metal-working and aerospace applications and is believed to have less potential to impact global warming than Freon. CFC-113 and other hydrocarbons (which contain only hydrogen and carbon) provide a more natural alternative to Freon.
Enviro-Safe 22a
Enviro-Safe 22a i s a freon alternative that does not deplete the ozone layer. Enviro-Safe 22a is a non-ozone-depleting compound that is used as an alternative to Freon in home refrigerant applications, such as air conditioners and compressors. This refrigerant meets international standards and reduces the cost of running an energy system in the home. According to the Auto Refrigerant website, Enviro-Safe 22a is efficient for cooling needs and provides lower head pressures, which reduces wear and tear on refrigerated appliances.
Duracool is used as a coolant in motor vehicles, and it's compatible with several oils. According to the Duracool website, this compound is non-global warming, non-ozone depleting and is a cost effective alternative to Freon. Duracool is a hydrocarbon that is compatible with mineral and synthetic oils when used in motor-vehicle applications, such as compressor replacement. According to Duracool, this compound is 100 percent organic and non-toxic, but like other hydrocarbons, it is flammable and must be installed properly to avoid injury.
This compound is a substitute for the CFC-12 formulation of Freon. HFC-134a is used in new or retrofitted refrigerators, and the compound consists of fluorocarbons that have a low toxicity level when inhaled. According to the Alternative Fluorocarbons Environmental Acceptability Study website, scientific evidence suggests that HFC-134a is not a genotoxic, therefore it is incapable of causing massive damage to humans or other animals through inhalation.