How to Preserve the Biosphere
Start with small steps. The problem of pollution is too big for any one person to solve, but there are small things that you can do to help preserve your small corner of the world. After all, the major issues that we have with pollution all stemmed from small things that people did under the belief that their small and seemingly insignificant lives made no difference in the grand scheme of the biosphere. Some of the small things that we can do to cut down on some of our pollution include using mugs, glasses, and other reusable containers for drinking instead of disposable cups; reusing shopping bags instead of throwing them away; and using both sides of a piece of paper instead of two sheets.
Cut down on the use of nonrenewable resources. Nonrenewable resources are exactly what they sound like they are: resources that are in limited supply on planet . These include coal, oil, natural gas, and minerals such as gold, silver, and iron. This can be difficult, thanks to people's reliance on these resources. There has been talk about America and its "addiction" to oil, and that is not far from the truth. People often rely far too much on nonrenewable resources without a thought that they are in limited supply. The planet has an unlimited supply of renewable resources that can prove to be just as useful as the dwindling supply of nonrenewable materials. People just need to know how to go about making good use of renewable resources such as hydroelectricity and solar power. They just need to be better educated on the subject.
Spread the word and engage the community. One person may be able to do all he can to help preserve the biosphere and save the environment, but that doesn't do a lot of good when everyone around him continues to engage in wasteful and potentially destructive behavior. If you want to live a "green" lifestyle, by all means do so. Try to encourage others to do so as well. All that really needs to be done is to lead by example. Show others that you are helping to preserve the biosphere simply by doing your part.