How to Convince People to Stop Polluting
Explain that litter and pollution are health and safety hazards. Even if people do not notice it, roadside garbage attracts disease-carrying animals and bacteria. Humans suffer health problems when they live in a polluted environment.
Tell people that polluting often comes with a hefty financial price tag. Governments often use taxpayer dollars to clean up the litter that accumulates in the environment. If a person is caught littering by law enforcement, he may receive a ticket that costs him hundreds of dollars.
Explain that litter often ends up in waterways such as lakes, rivers and oceans. Even if pollution occurs miles from a water source, it can be carried there by animals, a rainstorm or the wind. Polluted water is not safe to drink or use for swimming or fishing.
Say that pollution and litter are not problems that will just go away on their own. If people believe that litter will quickly decompose, explain that many pieces of trash can take decades to break down, or perhaps even longer. For instance, it takes a cigarette butt up to 10 years to decompose, while a plastic bag may take up to 500 years. Pollution is a problem that will be passed on to future generations.
Tell people that they can help stop pollution. Encourage them to keep a trash receptacle in their car and empty the receptacle into a garbage can, rather than throwing trash from car windows. Instruct others to keep lids on their trash cans so garbage is not blown out or removed by animals. If a person owns a truck, ask him to ensure that all items in the truck bed are safely tied down before driving.