What Determines the Chemical Structure of an Atom?
The nucleus is a bundle of protons and neutrons that are bundled together at the center of an atom. Atoms of the same chemical have the same number of protons in their nuclei. Protons have a positive charge that are identical to each other. The neutron has a neutral charge being neither positive or negative. The number of protons in each atom defines the number of electrons orbiting it.
An isotope is a different form or version of an element. Each chemical will have a specific number of protons in the nucleus. When the number of neutrons is different than protons in the nucleus it becomes an isotope. Hydrogen can have 0 or 1 or 2 neutrons in the nucleus while remaining hydrogen. The difference is the atom's mass, making it a heavier element of the same chemical.
Electrons are like planets orbiting the sun. They are particles with a negative charge that move around the nucleus. If the nucleus has four protons then the atom will have four electrons keeping it stable. Depending on the number of electrons an atom can have up to five separate orbital paths. Electrons have potential energy that depends on its orbit. Each orbit has a different energy level that keeps the electrons in place.
Determining the Chemical
The number of protons in the nucleus of each atom is what determines its atomic number. The number of protons and electrons determines the atom's mass. Each atom and isotope exist within a specific mass or weight range that is different from all other elements. To determine the chemical structure you need only find the number of protons for the element on the chart of elements. The mass of the atom will tell you if it is a basic chemical or an isotope of the chemical.