How to Prevent Depletion of Natural Resources
Things You'll Need
- Low-flow toilet
- Low-flow showerhead
- Washable towels and dishes
- Grocery totes
Practice water conservation. Replace your toilet with a more ecofriendly model. Older models use around five gallons of water per flush, whereas newer models use less than two gallons. Replace any leaks that are apparent in your toilet flushing system. Install a low-flow showerhead and take shorter showers to conserve water. Consider establishing a gray-water collection system in your home, which will recycle water that has been used for bathing and other light washing activities.
Recycle used paper products and use less paper overall. Many municipalities offer free curbside paper recycling services. If not, find out where the closest recycling facility is located and begin a recycling partnership. Use washable towels and dishes whenever possible in place of paper products to reduce waste. Transition to using the computer for the majority of household bills and business transactions. Bring totes to the grocery store instead of using the paper and plastic bags that the store provides.
Conserve electricity. Turn off lights and appliances when they are not in use. Open the blinds during the day as a light source and limit evening activities that require a lot of electrical wattage. Be sure to turn off computers completely when you done working. Encourage your electric company to begin the transition to more renewable energy resources.
Conserve gasoline and reduce your dependence on petroleum-run convoys. To decrease the use of petroleum-run convoys, shop at local farmers markets for the majority of your produce. Find local sources of beef and chicken that will not have to be imported into your state. Limit driving that is not essential by walking to recreational and sightseeing activities. Use public transportation and carpooling for essential activities whenever possible. Consider purchasing a hybrid or electric vehicle.