What Are EMF Waves?
The Basics
An electromagnetic field is made up of two parts. An electric and magnetic field is a part of everything that has an electrical charge. The electric field is always present when an appliance is plugged in. The strength of the electric field is dependent on the amount of voltage in the wires or battery. Turn the appliance on and the electrical voltage starts to move through the unit and create the magnetic field.
Wavelength and Frequency
Electromagnetic frequencies travel in a wavelike pattern. A wavelength is the distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of the next in meters. Frequency is how many waves are produced in a second; it is measured in cycles per second. An EMF's strength depends on its wavelength and frequency. Short wavelengths with a high frequency create more energy, which results in a stronger EMF signal.
Natural EMFs
Electromagnetic fields are created everywhere in nature. Electrical charges in thunderstorms produce strong electromagnetic fields. Solar radiation passing through the atmosphere creates the aurora in the night sky. Radioactive elements and magnetic rocks create small electrical charges that produce EMFs. These sources have been around since the beginning of the earth and are always changing. They are all around us just like the magnetic poles and are a part of our world.
Manmade EMFs
Since the realization of electricity, man has been making more and more EMFs. The power that comes out of wall sockets is classed as low-frequency electromagnetic fields. High-frequency EMFs take the form of radio waves. Wireless transmission of information and data via TV antennas, radio stations and cell phones create the greatest amount of EMFs. The most powerful electromagnetic fields created by man come from power transmission lines and microwave transmission towers.