Ideas to Slow Down the Depletion of the Ozone
Decreasing CFC Usage
The best solution to reduce ozone depletion is to decrease and limit the use of CFC in industry. The Montreal Protocol, signed by numerous nations in 1989, sought to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of CFC. This international treaty represented a massive international cooperation effort to stop global ozone depletion. Since the adoption of the protocol, ozone depleting substance levels have markedly decreased, though a full ozone layer recovery will not occur for a while.
Alternatives to CFCs
Hydrocarbon refrigerants are more environmentally friendly than traditional CFCs. Research to find chemical alternatives to CFC has been done to help slow down the depletion of ozone. Many refrigerants now incorporate hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), instead of CFCs. HCFCs become less stable in the lower atmosphere, allowing most to break down completely before they reach the ozone layer. Other alternatives to use include hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) and hydrocarbon refrigerants. Hydrocarbons have very small environmental impacts and are beginning to garner widespread use, especially within air conditioners.
Limiting Global Warming
Many studies have linked global warming with ozone depletion. Scientists predict that the increase in carbon dioxide level will cool the stratosphere and thus increase the rate of ozone depletion. A solution to slow down ozone depletion includes limiting the emission of common greenhouse gases. Lowering the production of industrial carbon dioxide will inevitably contribute to restoring ozone levels. Many countries have developed cleaner, less-polluting technologies within industry and energy production.
Consequences of Ozone Depletion
Without viable solutions to slow down ozone depletion, the environmental consequences can be devastating. A thinner ozone layer allows more harmful ultraviolet radiation to hit the Earth's surface. Increased surface UV radiation can lead to a wide spectrum of effects. Large amounts of UV exposure increases an individual's risk for skin cancer and cortical cataracts. Rising UV levels can also result in sun damage for various animals. Finally, many prominent cash crops such as rice can expect a reduction in production level.