Environmental Hazards of Auto Crushers
An auto crusher will release any remaining fluids left in an automobile. All fluids and filters should be removed from a vehicle prior to even storing in the salvage lot. Fluids like gasoline, oil, and antifreeze all contain toxins linked to cancer and could contaminate air and drinking water, even in small doses. Car batteries must also be removed, since they contain dangerous acids.
Mercury Switches
Mercury is extremely toxic to the environment and can pose serious health risk with even a small exposure. Mercury is found in some automobile light switches, most commonly under the hood and in the trunk. If these switches are not removed prior to crushing, they will release mercury into the environment.
The federal government does not currently have environmental regulations in place that deal specifically with auto salvage. However, most states do have guidelines and standards that must be met in order to avoid penalty. Although the federal government does not regulate auto crushers specifically, an auto salvage yard must still comply with all EPA, OSHA job-site regulations as well as MSDS chemical guidelines.
Crusher Placement
Auto crushers that are not placed on non-permeable sloped surfaces run the risk of tiny leakage and seepage of toxic fluids into the ground. Over time, this could have considerable impact on the surrounding environment and even leech into groundwater supplies. A system needs to be in place on the sloped surface to capture any trace liquids and dispose of them properly.