The Effects of Pesticides on Global Warming
Pesticides can attach themselves to dust particles and travel from away from their intended destinations to other unintended places. This increases the likely hood of these chemicals mixing with other chemicals. Some pesticides produce volatile organic compounds that pollute the atmosphere when they react with other chemicals. This reaction produces tropospheric ozone, which is ozone that is close to the earth's surface. Ozone blocks harmful ultraviolet light, but traps in heat.
The Sierra Club warns that global warming makes the negative effects of pesticide worse. Warmer weather allows for pesticides to spread further than in cooler conditions. More water supplies are supplies are impacted. The Sierra Club has revealed that pesticides have been discovered in regions where pesticides have never been used. Some of these pesticides, such as DDT can cause cancer.
Greenhouse Gas
The base chemicals that are used to create pesticides can be harmful to the environment even before they are combined with other chemicals to create pesticides. For example, Nitrogen oxide is a gas that blocks sunlight and traps heat. The legislature body of Roxbury declared in its laws, "Nitrogen-based fertilizers release unnatural amounts of nitrogen oxide into the atmosphere causing the greenhouse effect which results in further global warming."
Acid Rain
Pesticides may actually be harmful to plants even though they are used to protect plants from insects. Sulfur dioxide is a base chemical in some pesticides that block out the sun when it accumulates in the atmosphere and also contribute to global warming by trapping heat. Mixed with nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide helps to create acid rains that fall down to the earth and destroy plants, trees and buildings.