How to Stop Trashing My Planet
Change all your existing light bulbs to energy saving light bulbs as a way to stop trashing the planet. According to 50 Ways to Save the Planet, if each household in the United States replaced just one regular, non-energy saving lightbulb with a new compact fluorescent bulb, the pollution reduction would be the same as removing one million cars from the roads.
Take shorter showers to save water. An average household can waste up to 260 gallons of water per day by keeping the shower on for a long time, according to Tree Hugger, an online science and technology magazine. As well as not trashing the planet, you also save yourself money by finding considerably reduced water bills.
Recycle glass, paper and plastic to improve the state of the planet. If glass is not recycled, it can take a million years to decompose. Recycling paper is essential in order to stop the destruction of rain forests. The more paper wasted on the planet, the more trees that are cut down.
Help to not trash the planet by buying your produce locally. Food that travels from afar creates pollution on its journey. Attend local farmers markets, delis and independent, local fruit and vegetable stores. Buying locally can save you money while reducing the amount of greenhouse gas created when foreign products are exported in.