Health & Environmental Effects of Sulfuric Acid
Water Problems
Sulfuric acid mixes with water, and it causes problems for the environment as it kills plant life. Ingestion of this water by wildlife results in illness and sometimes death. The acid typically gets into water because of improper disposal, but it also can be airborne from factories. This airborne sulfuric acid can be inhaled by animals and humans, and it can lead to acid rain if taken up by rain clouds.
Contact with Skin
The corrosive nature of sulfuric acid causes skin irritation and burns. Depending on the amount to which the skin is exposed, burns can be as severe as third degree. Long-term exposure leads to dermatitis or a constant flaking and irritation of the skin. Burns open you up to other infections, as your skin is your first defense against bacteria and viruses.
Ingestion and Inhalation
Ingesting sulfuric acid burns the esophagus, mouth and stomach. Large amounts can cause death, as the acid burns through your stomach creating a dangerous environment for the rest of your organs. Inhaling sulfuric acid has a similar effect on your nose, throat and lungs. The acid can kill cells in your lungs, making breathing and proper oxygen profusion throughout the body difficult. If the damage becomes extensive, death is possible.
Prolonged Exposure
Long-term exposure to sulfuric acid increases the risk for cancer. Because low levels of sulfuric acid are not deemed dangerous and will not cause burning or skin irritation, you might not be aware you are being exposed. When you work with phosphate fertilizers or other materials containing sulfuric acid, you should use proper protection, such as a mask and latex gloves.